AP Inter 1st 2nd Year Result 2014 by BIEAP
Board of Intermediate Education,AP (BIEAP)
 AP Intermediate 1st Year Result 2014, is out today. Students of 1st year BIEAP can check their results Name and Roll number wise on the ooficial website of the BIEAP. Candidate may download exam results from official website of BIEAP. BIEAP 2nd Year result may be declared on 28th afternoon or on the 29th April.

Every year BIEAP organise Intermediate exams for both years in the month of March or early April. This year also Andhra Pradesh state board has successfully conducted its Intermediate  exams from 13th March 2014 to 1st April 2014. Now its the time for the results has to come out. AP Board department of examination announced an expected date for AP Board Inter result to be declared for 1st year on 27th April 2014 and 29th April 2014 for 2nd year.
Initially the junior (1st year) year result was expected to be declared on April 23, but due to the internal/external reasons, BIEAP postponed the result announcement dates.
Students are requsted to find their results online by clicking on the official website of the BIEAP
As the link given here

BIEAP is the state board of education in Andhra Pradesh. The Board was established in 1971, since then, the board is conducting the intermediate education system in Andhra Pradesh. This is the first board in India to include 10+2+3 education system after CBSE. BIEAP intermediate education system after 10th is divided into two years.
Edumains wishes the good luck and bright future to all Intermediate 1st year and 2nd year students. For further Notification  and update candidates can add edumains on Facebook and on google+ or subscribe edumains with their mail id.

28 Apr 2014