Life of Dr B R Ambedkar
Dr. B R Ambedkar

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on 14 April

Bhimrao Ramji Ambavadekar was born on April 14 1891, in the British-founded town MHOW(Military Headquarter Of the War), an important military center in Madhya Pradesh near Indore. He was also known as 'Babasaheb'. He was the 14th and last child of  Ramji Sankpal and Bhimabai Murbadkar Sankpal. Their family's hailed from ancestral town of Ambavade in the Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra.

After retirement from British Army career in 1894 Bhimrao's father settled in Dapoli (in Ratnagiri District). So Bhimrao had his earliest education there. Then later in 1896 in Satara, because his father Ramji Sakpal found a job with the Public Works Department.
In the year 1896 his mother Bhimabai Sakpal died.

In 1901 Babasaheb's father Ramji Sakpal, (remarried in 1898), moved with his family from Satara to Bombay, the capital city of Bombay Presidency, there Bhimrao entered Elphinstone High School in Bombay.

In 1902 The progressive-minded Maharaja of Kolhapur Shahu I (1884-1922) ordered 50% of the posts in the Kolhapur state services should be reserved for the backward classes.
This happened first time in Indian history.
Ramabai, nine-year-old daughter of Bhiku Dhutre of Wanand Bhimrao's marriage was arranged
in 1906. Bhimrao passed the Matriculation Examination in 1907, his marks were average but his best subject was Persian (which he studied in place of Sanskrit). After that in 1912 he passed B.A. with special subjects Economics and Politics from Bombay University, this made him prepared to take a position in the administration of Baroda State. He was a bright and deligent student and received Baroda State Scholarship in 1913 to join the Political Science Department of the Columbia University. There in 1915
he passed his M.A. exam majoring in Economics, History, Philosophy, Sociology and Anthropology. His thesis was "Ancient Indian Commerce"
He became Professor of Political Economy in Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics in 1918.
Dr. Ambedkar was invited by the Viceroy of India to be a delegate to the Round Table Conference in 1930 in London.Later he participated in the work of Joint Committee on Indian Legislative Reform. In August 1936, he founded the Independent Labour Party this was his first political party, which contested 17 seats out of which he won 15 in the 1937 General Elections.

In 1947 he become Law Minister in the first Cabinet of independent India. 29th August he was appointed as Chairman of the new Constitution Drafting Committee.
 The Constituent Assembly in November 1949 adopted the Constitution, including Article 17, which formally abolished untouchability.

Dr. Ambedkar resigned in September 1951,from the Cabinet, and became the *Leader of the Opposition*

Dec 5, 1956 he finally said Good Bye to the world.
In 1957 his work "The Buddha and His Dhamma", his vision on Buddhism, was posthumously published,

He received "Bharat Ratna" the highest civilian award of India in 1990 posthumously.

14 Apr 2017