Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women
Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women

Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women



Economic and social development of a nation directly affected by the scientific and academic Research. So the research wing is very important in any academic Institute. High quality scientific research is given importance in IGDTU in the fields of engineering, science and technology, and related areas. IGDTU has launched its first Ph.D program starting from August, 2014. The program is designed to propogate research in the main areas of science and technology and its applications to find new technologies for future. This program provides candidates valuable research experience which provide them ground to grow in their professional and academic career. It also enable students to develop an all round development approach to the needs of the society and industry.

The Ph.D Program is accepting application from both male and female candidates.          


Fellowship Grant for Teaching cum Research Fellowship

TRF (Teaching cum Research Fellowship) will be awarded a
Fellowship grant   Rs. 20,000/- (per month for the first and second years) contingency grant  Rs. 20,000/- (per annum),
Fellowship grant   Rs. 25,000/- (per month for the third year)
contingency grant  Rs. 25,000/- per annum.
An extension for fourth year will be given on the basis of assessment of Departmental Research Committee (DRC).

 The recepient of the TRF of IGDTU can not accept any other fellowship, assignment, honorarium or employment during the tenure of the fellowship,
The TRF will pay the fee as per the University norms.
TRF required to engage teaching/practical classes at IGDTU for 08-10 hours per week.

25 Apr 2014