GMAT Graduate Management Admission Test
Graduate Management Admission Test

Graduate Management Admission Test

GMAT Graduate Management Admission Test

 Management Admission Test

GMAT or the Graduate Management Admission Test is a computer adaptive test (CAT) that assesses an individual’s analytical, writing, verbal, quantitative and reading skills in standard written English for higher graduate programs like MBA. Over 5,900 are offered by more than 2100 universities and institutions, they use GMAT exam as part of their selection process. It is used for MBA, Accountancy courses, and Finance programs. The GMAT exam can be taken in 112 countries around the world.

GMAT exam consists of 4 sections, they are: analytical writing assessment, reasoning, quantitative and verbal section. The exam time duration is three and half hours, but it can last for approximately four hours with breaks included. Number of questions and time allotment for each section is given below.
1.       Analytical writing assessment
2.       Integrated reasoning
3.       Quantitative
4.       Verbal

Analytical writing assessment-
AWA consists of 30 minute writing task, which is analysis of an argument. The test taker must be able to able reason and analyse the given arguments and write a critique of the arguments provided. The essay will be rated and averaged with two given arguments to determine AWA score.

Integrated reasoning skills-
This section includes four types of questions: 1) graphics interpretation,2) two part analysis, 3)table analysis and 4)multi- source reasoning. Every question in this section will have several statements with opposite answer options (true/false, yes/no) and the test takers have selected one option. For graphic interpretation questions, the test takers have to interpret it and select an image from the options given.

Quantitative section-
This section of the GMAT test measures the ability to solve quantitative problem, interpret graphical data and analyse information given in a problem. Calculators are not allowed in this section of GMAT test. The test takers must work out the math using paper and pen/pencil. They should be thorough with math topics such as algebra, geometry and arithmetic. The questions are problem solving and data sufficiency.

Verbal section-
GMAT’s verbal section tests on the basis on the individual’s ability to read and comprehend written material, as well as to reason and evaluate arguments and correct the mistakes. Types of questions presented will include reading comprehension, sentence correcting and critical reasoning.

The verbal and quantitative sections of the GMAT test are multiple- choice and will be conducted on a computer. The level of difficulty will increase according to the correctness of the questions answered previously.

Registration and preparation-
·         Test takers may register for the GMAT either by calling one of the test centres or by visiting any MBA sites.
·         An appointment must be made to schedule an exam, at one of the designated exam centres. The GMAT exam may not be taken more than once within 31 days, even if there is cancellation of scores.

·         Examination cost is US $250.

24 Apr 2014