RBSE 12th Commerce Result 2014 Rajsathan
RBSE 12th Arts Result 2014
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education is all set to declare its Result of 12th Arts Exam 2014 shortly. According to the sources result will be out soon in May 2014. Candidates who have appeared in the exam and waiting for their exam result they can check their result on the below mention site. RBSE 12th 2014 Commerce Exam was conducted from 6th March 2014 to 27th March 2014. This is inform to all the RBSE Arts students who are  waiting for their results that Result may be on the net in 1st week of MAY. Candidates can view their result on official website of RBSE.

Rajasthan 12th Board Arts Exam Result 2014 or RBSE Arts Result 2014,The official website of the Rajasthan Board is www.rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education Senior Secondary Result 2014

RBSE 12th Commerce Result 2014:
RBSE conducts Secondary and Senior Secondary Exam every year. Students should visit the official website regularly who have taken the 12th Board Exam 2014. Merit list and all other important information will be mentioned separately by Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education. Candidates can find RBSE Result by DOB or Name Wise or by Roll Number. Here is the instruction to view RBSE Result 2014

Follow the steps to see RBSE Arts Result 2014:
Visit www.rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in the official website of the Board
find out “12th Arts Result 2014? link in section of News & Updates
Click on the above Link and Enter your Name DOB/Roll Number
Press on Submit button to come your result
Then result will appear on the screen
Take a result print out

Further information and updates of the RBSE 12th Board Arts Exam Result 2014 candidates Connect with us on Facebook and also they can subscribe by google+ for more information on RBSE Result and updates.

14 May 2014