Wright Brothers Fathers of Aviation
Wright Brothers
On 17th December 1903, an American town called Kitty Hawk, 2 bicycle mechanics, ORVILLE & WILBUR WRIGHT, changed the world forever. They flew an airplane! ORVILLE & WILBUR WRIGHT made the world’s first sustained, powered & controlled flights in an airplane. The 2 were brothers with their first flight marked the birth of modern aviation as they have first patented the   Airplane on 22nd May 1906.

Wright Brothers Fathers of Aviation
1902 Glider
The Wright brothers have  flown the ‘flyer’ on 17th December 1903 was 6.4 meters in length & flew at nearly 11 kph. In just over 100 years, mankind hae far reached the record. For example, a BOEING 747, one of the world’s most recognizable aircraft, is 100 feet longer than the Flyer’s first flight. Euro fighter typhoon is the another example of the world’s most advanced new generation aircraft. It can travel at the speed of 2125kph & takes just 2.5 minutes to scale 35,000 feet. Airplanes have developed from rickety biplanes to the AIRBUS A380, the largest jetliner that ever built. This giant A380 plane has 22 wheels & its wing span is as wide as the length of a football pitch.
An aircraft is an amazing invention through which mankind has overcome the pull of gravity that keeps most of the creatures tied to the ground. It has made possible for us to trotte the globe like birds, fly high & low, at great speed & even perform aerobatics & air shows with extraordinary precision & control are some of the amazing practises human have mastered with it. Thats why an aircraft is not just a machine of flight but also a source of joy & inspiration.

Some Amazing Facts about Wright Brothers

1.1900--The Wright brothers flew their first manned glider at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Their control system could not produce enough lift to make more than a few of flights.

2.1901--They tested their second glider at Kitty Hawk, this also performed poorly. They build a wind tunnel to conduct research on wing shapes at hometown in Ohio Dayton.

3. 1902--The Wrights built a third glider afterrefine their control system at Kitty Hawk based on their wind tunnel tests and it did well.

4.1903--At Kitty Hawk The Wright brothers made the first controlled, sustained powered flight. Samuel Langley of the Smithsonian Institution also tried to fly a manned version of his Aerodrome but failed.

5. 1904--The Wright brothers begin to refine their powered airplane, making test flights near Dayton at Huffman Prairie.

6.1905--The Wright brothers developed the first practical airplane and demonstrated it before a small audience. They offered their invention to the U.S. Army but the US Army wasn't interested.

7.1906--The U.S. Patent Office grants a patent to the Wright Brothers on their "airplane control system" on 22nd May 1906.

8.1907--The Wright Brothers procured contracts for the sale of airplanes from the U.S. Army and French investors.

9.1908--The Wright brothers demonstrated a two-passenger airplane in Europe and America. Orville crashes during a  flight demonstration and was badly injured. His passenger, Lt. Thomas Selfridge, became the first person to die in an airplane crash.

10.1909--The Wrights demonstrated a new airplane and the U.S. Army bought its first military aircraft. The Wrights started to manufacture airplanes and teach pilots.|

22 May 2014