Government of India Act 1858,2 Aug 1858
Government of India Act 1858

Government of India Act on 02nd Aug 1858

02 Aug 1858

Indian Civil Services

This was the Day when East India Rule over India ended and British Crown taken over the power to rule India and Viceroy system came into existance. The Supreme ruler of India Under British Crown in India was called Viceroy.

"Indian Civil Services" was introduced after this act on this day.

"The Government of India Act 1858" was an Act of the Parliament of United Kingdom (21 & 22 Vict. c. 106) which was passed on 2nd August 1858. The provisions of this act called for the liquidation of the British East India Company (who had up to this point been ruling British India under the auspices of Parliament) and the transfer of its functions to the British Crown. Lord Palmerston, the then-Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, introduced the above bill for the transfer of control from the East India Company to the British Crown, referring to all the grave defects in the existing system of the government of India.
The title of Viceroy was came into existence on this day.

Indian Rebellion of 1857 revolt urged British Government to pass this Act. The Act of 1858 was introduced to calm down the after effects of 1857 revolt.

After passing this Bill, many changes came in effect. Few of them as follows.

•    The Company's territories in India were to be vested in the name of Queen, the Company hence ceasing to exercise its power and control over these Indian territories. India was came directly under control in the Queen's name.
•    Provision for creation of "Indian Civil Services" under the control of the Secretary of State.
•     All the property of the East India Company transferred to the Crown

02 Aug 2016