CBSE 12th Result 2014
Class 12th Result 2014
CBSE 12th Result 2014 in Delhi on 29th May

CBSE 12th result is expected in Delhi tomorrow..

Central Board of Secondary Education is Central Board and one of the finest secondary education board in India. All the Kendriya Vidyalayas, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, private schools and most of the government approved schools of India and also many Indian schools abroad are affiliated to CBSE. The Board has more than 13000 school registered with it and it is spread in almost 22 countries in the world.
CBSE has already started its 10th class exams from March 1st to 19th March and class 12th exams are from 1st March to 17th April 2014. The exam result of Boards Class 12th 2014, is expected in the third week of May. The official date of result declaration is not yet announced. This year in 2014, total 22.65 lakh students have registered for the CBSE Board exams whereas the last year in 2013, a total number of 21.76 lakh student had appeared for the Board exams. There is an increase of 20000 students in the class 12th exams than the previous year.

Edumains Wishes all the Best to class 10th and 12th Students for exams and very good Results.   
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12th cbse result 2014
28 May 2014